At a time when services and budgets are being strained and funding opportunities ever harder to obtain, there is a place that has been quietly building community and individual capacity.

Ochil Community Garden is situated in a small area of the council-owned former Glenochil Nursery site between Menstrie and Alva.

The garden consists of raised growing beds, a polytunnel, recycled bottle greenhouse, flower/shrub beds, composting area and an extremely important building, the "wee hoose". A small but crucial element as it provides shelter, houses not only a kitchen/dining area but a disabled toilet with a full changing space making the garden accessible irrespective of an individuals physical challenges.

What's truly amazing here is how a council service (Adult Day Services), schools, charities, community organisations and individuals work together and make a real difference to people's lives.

Volunteer at the garden, Claire explained: "Everyone is treated equally and with respect. We have fun but we learn skills too that can help with employment or further education. We learn about each other and how to care for ourselves and our environment."

To share and celebrate recent achievements such as winning First Prize at Gardening Scotland and a successful grant application to the Big Lottery Fund and Grow Wild, the Friends of Ochil Community Garden are hosting their inaugural Partnership Event on Friday 25 September between 1pm and 3pm.

The purpose of the event is also to welcome and encourage new partnerships and community groups and other organisations are invited to have a presence at the event.

Interested parties can find out more by contacting or Friends of Ochil Community Garden via their facebook page (

Ochil Community Garden Partnership Event; Friday 25 September, 1-3pm, Ochil Community Garden near Menstrie, free entry.