SOCIAL SERVICES are overspending in Clackmannanshire, councillors will hear tomorrow.

Elected representatives of the council's Audit and Finance Committee will be looking at how the services are forecast to spend around £1.48million more this financial year than what was originally budgeted.

This is still less than what was reported in November, when it looked like the services will be more than £2m above the set line.

The committee will hear how the service continues to be under considerable pressure and the overspends are mainly due to increased demands in both child and adult care.

External placement provisions for child care have a projected overspend of nearly £700,000 alone, but £218,000 less than reported in November.

This is because social and education services managers have increased scrutiny over external placements by chairing additional reviews and ensuring a multi-service approach to financial monitoring.

Pressures on adult care, which is forecast to be around £900,000 over budget, come from an increase in long term placements for the elderly as well as an increase in supporting service users with a learning disability in the community.