THE management of sex offenders across the Forth Valley will be discussed at Clackmannanshire Council this week.

The People Committee is set to hear and note an annual report on the Forth Valley Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) on Thursday, January 17.

It will describe how the public protection measures are implemented in the wider area, across which there are 273 registered sex offenders (RSOs).

According to council papers, around a quarter of the 210 who are on the register are "at liberty" and are actively managed through MAPPA in the Wee County.

All are male and the vast majority are older than 30.

Of the 210 RSOs in Forth Valley, 76 per cent were convicted of offences against children.

Statistics for 2018 also note nine “restricted patients” who have committed an offence punishable by imprisonment, but are detained in hospital for treatment due to a mental disorder.

The report is the first annual review following the disestablishment of community justice authorities at the end of March 2017.

Chair of the Forth Valley MAPPA Strategic Oversight Group, Det Supt Wilson Gill of Police Scotland, said in his foreword that “this has not impacted upon the delivery of MAPPA in Forth Valley and the processes, practices and arrangements in place for the management of people subject to MAPPA remain robust”.

Mr Gill is retiring from his police duties after 32 years of service, but agreed to continue his MAPPA role as independent chair.

He added: “There are many new challenges ahead and our mantra of 'working together to keep communities safe' has never been more appropriate.”

The multi-agency organisation brings to the table expertise and resources of key local agencies – including the council, police and NHS – developing and delivering plans to assess and manage the risk presented by sexual and violent offenders.

Ultimately, the overarching objective is to protect the public from harm while enabling offenders to carry out meaningful work on changing their behaviour – under strict supervision and sometimes with restrictions.