FOUR Alva Academy girls were among over 100 teens from across Scotland who danced up a storm.

Iona Cashmore, Rebecca Watson, Chloe Burgess and Rachel Rayner took part in the first ever Ydance Active LeaderFest event on Saturday 21 March at Edinburgh College’s Granton Campus, delivered by Scotland’s national youth dance organisation Ydance.

It celebrated the achievement of hundreds of young women from across Scotland who have been inspired to get physically active through dance.

Sarah Smith, YDance Active project coordinator, said: “LeaderFest is the biggest event to date in the YDance Active calendar. With over 1500 teenage girls completing their Award in Dance Leadership qualification with us since September 2012, we have created a celebratory event where they can come together to take part in motivating workshops, watch inspiring performances and learn choreography to perform en masse as part of a flash mob event.” Through the YDance Active project each participant achieved an Award in Dance Leadership (SCQF Level 4), a nationally recognised qualification that enables successful learners to lead groups in dance activities in their local area, whilst under the supervision of their tutor/assessor or other suitably trained adult.

To celebrate the project’s success YDance Active created LeaderFest to allow dance leaders throughout Scotland to meet, share experiences, and develop their dance skills.