A WARRANT has been issued for an Alloa man who failed to attend court on stalking charges.

The 47-year-old was due before the town’s sheriff court on Monday (23 February), but did not appear when called.

The Crown Office then successfully applied for a warrant to have him apprehended.

He is charged with carrying out a course of conduct which caused fear and alarm to a woman over a seven-month period.

Between 31 March and 31 October, 2014, he is alleged to have repeatedly made phone calls, sent text messages, letters and voicemail messages in which he uttered abusive and threatening remarks.

He is also accused of leaving letters on the woman’s car windscreen, some of which contained further abusive messages.

The accused is also charged with calling her place of work to speak with her before allegedly attending the property, staring at her, as well as shouting, swearing, acting in an aggressive manner and handing her another letter containing threatening remarks.

The original trial date was set for 17 March and it is hoped he can be brought before court prior to that date.