Dear Editor During the course of Clackmannanshire Council’s Resources & Audit Committee last week, it was confirmed that every Labour Councillor had supported staff, unions and officers by accepting the 3 per cent cut to salary/wages. This cut was proposed by unions and staff in order to save jobs and support the financial health of the council. I’m sure that most people would agree that any such sacrifice should be shared by all, but by councillors in particular given the low pay of some of our staff.

Despite a commitment given by previous SNP Council Leader Gary Womersley on behalf of his group to also take the 3 per cent cut, we found to our astonishment last week that they had not done so – a fact that we find most regrettable.

During the meeting, I asked Councillor Sharp, the new Leader of the Council, to explain why the SNP Group were not honouring the commitment given by their previous leader to stand by their workforce, and despite twice being offered the opportunity to reply he did not do so. I can only assume that the “I’m alright Jack” ethos is alive and well within the local SNP group.

Councillor Bobby McGill Labour Group Leader