TWO young Wee County parents, who returned to full time education after giving birth, visited the government in Edinburgh to speak about a local support project.

Megan Taylor from Alloa Academy and Chelsea Stone of Lornshill Academy were joined by Clackmannanshire Council's Young Parents Project as they met with the Scottish Government's Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy Team in the capital.

The duo gave their experiences and views on pregnancy and on their return to school following the birth of their children.

The visit came as the government's team began a piece of work with the aim of supporting young pregnant women and young parents in remaining at school with a view of hearing the voices of people on the issue.

They were particularly keen to hear whether local young parents had the information they needed and what support hey had received from the project here in the Wee County.

The Clackmannanshire Young Parents Project is for people aged 16 to 24 and is supported by the European Social Fund with the aim of improving the life chances of the parent and their child by ensuring immediate needs are addressed while the appropriate services are accessed.