THERE are calls for an archaeological dig at the Silver Glen following the discovery of what could have been structures associated with mining.

The call comes from explorer and hobby video-maker Edward Burns who recently laid out his findings following a visit to the Ochils above Alva.

A walker and history enthusiast, the Glasgow man uploads videos to YouTube on his Ed Explores Scotland channel and believes he has discovered the remains of a row of buildings at the glen, which may be related to former mining works in the area.

The richest deposit of native silver ever be found on the British Isles, the glen takes its name from the silver that was mined there in the early 18th century.

Edward came across the remains this summer when he was in the area to shoot a video titled There's Silver in Them Thar Hills and was so intrigued he returned with a follow up in The Exploration of Structural Remains Near Alva's Silver Glen.

He told the Advertiser: “When I spotted the remains of the row of buildings it was immediately clear to me that that is what it was.

“Given its location so close to the silver mines and Silver Glen it was almost a no-brainer in that this quite simply had to be associated with the mines.”

Edward always wanted to be an archaeologist when he was young. And while that never happened, he did study the subject during his first year at Glasgow University many years ago.

He added: “Maybe now, as an old guy, I'm making up for lost time.”

The mine workings were owned by Sir John Erskine, who left his wife in charge when he joined the Jacobite uprising of 1715.

The silver mined was concealed at Alva House but the mine was later filled in during the aftermath of the failed uprising.

Turning attention back to the discovery, Edward said: “It can be difficult dating buildings and determining their age – hence the need for a dig – but my gut feeling is that they do indeed date to around the early 18th century and that first phase of operation in the silver mines.”

Following the uprising, Sir John would secure a pardon, on the condition he revealed all he knew about the mine and if he gave a tenth of the proceeds to the government and so the workings continued for some decades.

Video-maker Edward added: “I've contacted quite a few people in order to bring this to the attention of the authorities so that an archaeological dig can take place.

“The mining of silver in this area is quite an important part of Scotland's history, and any building associated with that will be equally important.

“I don't think it's really known where any buildings associated with the mine are located, but in my eyes this is it. Probably living-quarters for the miners, maybe storage, and perhaps even stabling.

“But only a dig will confirm all that.”