COLLECTION of non-recyclable waste bins could switch to a four-week cycle across the Wee County.

The move, which would stretch the current three-week collection rate, has been put forth by Clackmannanshire Council.

Households will also be asked to split plastic and cardboard waste as a third bin is introduced.

The new grey bin will be used for paper, card and cardboard, while the blue will be retained for metal cans, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays and cartons.

All three-wheeled bins would then run on a four-week cycle, starting from October this year.

No changes to the garden waste bin or food caddy are being proposed.

The plan could be agreed at a Clackmannanshire Council meeting this Thursday, May 18, with the local authority citing aims of reducing carbon emissions as a key factor.

Changes to waste policy have been designed to encourage "behavioural change" among Wee County residents and come after the council declared a climate emergency in 2021.

The council also agreed to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2040, with waste emissions currently taking up more than half of the local authority's carbon budget.

Documents for the May 18 meeting said: "Increased recycling and a reduction in mileage associated with the collection of waste will lead to a commensurate reduction in emissions.

"The treatment of waste is the single biggest contributor to the council's greenhouse gas emissions, therefore the recommendation to increase our recycling rate represents a significant opportunity to reduce carbon."

Figures show the Wee County local authority achieved a recycling rate of 55.4 per cent in 2019, which dropped to 48.6 per cent during Covid and rose to 50 per cent in 2021.

With that, Clacks ranked 11th out of 32 local authorities, with the best local authority in Scotland rating at 58 per cent.

Councillors will hear that it is "imperative" that the recycling performance is further improved with a number of government targets ahead.

These include a minimum of 70 per cent of all, not just household, waste recycled by as early as 2025.

Council documents added: "This will be achieved through building upon the previous successful changes implemented in household waste collections via good quality communications, education and working in partnership with our communities.

"Residents expect changes to improve recycling performance."

Zero Waste Scotland provided funding for an external assessment of the kerbside collection service in 2021.

The appraisal showed that "restricting residual waste capacity remains one of the most effective ways to encourage householders to use the recycling services available to them".

It concluded that if households use every bin as intended "then they will manage with four-weekly refuse collections, given the wide range of recyclables that the council collects".

It is, however, recognised an extra bin and reduced frequency of collections will pose challenges to some and the waste service would have a range of ways to support households.

Larger households and those with medical needs would be able to apply for additional bin capacity, for instance, while collections of residual waste from flats would remain weekly.

Communication with residents with a focus on "behavioural change" and the capacity to respond to queries and concerns "will be key to success", council papers added.

The intention is for the changes to be implemented in October this year with "considerable carbon benefits to be achieved".