THE quick thinking and heroic actions of an Alva man saved a bystander in distress during the Stirlingshire & Midland Table Tennis league. 

Steve Jelfs jumped into action and performed emergency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on an 81-year-old player who was suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest at the Bowhouse Community Centre in Grangemouth.

He told the Advertiser: "I just did what anyone should do when they see someone in trouble. Knowing how to perform CPR and having access to an AED is a responsibility we all share as members of the community.”

Mr Jelfs, who was also playing in the league, recognised the signs of cardiac arrest and utilised not only his CPR skills, but the automated external defibrillator (AED) to revive his fellow citizen. 

Steve, who currently works in the defibrillation and resuscitation industry and has 23 years of experience in six UK ambulance services, began administering chest compressions and instructed other bystanders to call 999 and collect the on-site defibrillator.

Following immediate CPR, and assisted by another player who is a serving paramedic, one shock was delivered.

By the time the ambulance arrived, the victim was conscious, breathing normally and lucid.

Crucially, the centre was equipped with an AED, a portable device that delivers an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm.

Steve recommended that everyone take a basic CPR course, as it could potentially mean the difference between life and death in a cardiac emergency.

He credited the availability of an AED device as a crucial element in the positive outcome and feels that having one of these devices readily available in public places, like sporting facilities, community centres, and schools, is vital.