A SPOOKY Halloween Coffee morning at Alloa Academy raised over £100 last week.

Teachers and students from the school's ASN department held the event to boost funds for their weekly lunch club.

Students had decorated the hub with their work for the occasion and baked treats which were served up to their fellow pupils, teachers, support staff, as well as their parents and guardians. The students and their teachers even came to school dressed up in scary Halloween costumes.

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The goal of the coffee morning was to build upon the organised Alloa Tower litter pick they did before the summer break where they learnt about helping the community through volunteering and supporting a good cause.

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Linzi Ross, ASN teacher at Alloa Academy, worked alongside her students to make sure every aspect of the morning would be a total success.

With the help of Clackmannanshire Third Sector Interface (CTSI), the hours volunteered towards the coffee morning will go towards their Saltire Awards.