A CLACKS primary school received support from community organisations for their work during Book Week Scotland.

Tillicoultry Primary School was aided by Ben Cleuch Burns Club and the Tillicoultry, Coalsnaughton and Devonside Community Council to help promote the use of the Scots language.

This was part of the school’s celebrations for Book Week Scotland, which runs this week until November 19.

The Burns Club stepped in to provide Scots dictionaries, while the community council donated cash from the Burnfoot Hill Community Fund to pay for workshops led by Stuart Reid.

Stuart is the author of the Gorgeous George book series and was on hand to delivery creating writing workshops to the children.

The children’s author visited the school to launch Book Week Scotland 2023 in Tillicoultry Primary School.

These workshops will also help the school in their mission to achieve Gold Reading Schools Accreditation.