A 54-year-old Sauchie man has been jailed for abusive behaviour towards a neighbouring family.

Paul Williamson’s behaviour went on for well over a year and included making abusive comments not only to the couple but also their 10-year-old son.

Williamson, of Woodlea Park, also assaulted police officers and appeared for sentencing at Alloa Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on a number of occasions between January 1, 2022 and May 9 this year at a neighbouring property he engaged in an abusive course of behaviour.

He entered the couple’s garden, approached them, shouted, swore, approached their house uninvited, repeatedly struck their wall and shouted abusive remarks at the woman.

He shouted at their son, aged 10, made racial remarks, challenged the man to fight and repeatedly threatened the family with violence.

On May 25 this year, he assaulted a police constable by attempting to knee him to the head and then struck him on the body. At Forth Valley hospital he assaulted a police officer, and at Bank Street, Alloa, he exposed his backside to police officers.

Depute fiscal Sean Iles said Williamson’s conduct included repeatedly making threats to the family that he would “slit their throats”.

He shouted at the 10-year-old boy “You’re a f****** inbred” and called the dad “an English b*****” and an “a******e”.

Defence solicitor Michael Lowrie said there had been on-going issues about the family allegedly making too much noise.

Sheriff Garry Sutherland told Williamson his behaviour had been “appalling” and jailed him for 50 days.