A 25-year-old man sent abusive messages to Job Centre workers and also on social media about his former partner.

Paul Dennett, of Gartmorn Road, Sauchie, appeared for sentencing at Alloa Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on repeated occasions on August 6 at the Job Centre, Mar Street, Alloa, he behaved in an abusive manner by making threats towards staff and derogatory comments in his journal in a racially aggravated offence.

He also admitted that between August 1 and October 19 he sent messages to his former partner in which he swore, made offensive remarks and threats of violence.

Depute fiscal Sean Iles said there was a journal system in place for communication with Job Centre staff and Dennett used this to tell them to “f*** off” as well as making a racist comment.

He also sent abusive messages about his former partner on Facebook.

Dennett, who was representing himself, had nothing to say about the offences.

Sheriff Garry Sutherland imposed a community payback order with 120 hours of unpaid work.