A Menstrie man told police he had been chased and shot.

However, the allegations turned out to be bogus and have resulted in a jail sentence for 25-year-old Ewan Neil.

Neil, of Menstrie Place, was sentenced at Alloa Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on February 19 at Orkney Court, Alloa, he falsely told officers he had been shot and injured by a named male, wasting police time and resources.

Depute fiscal Mandy Jones said that at 5am police were contacted by the ambulance service about a male who had apparently been shot in the leg and was injured.

He told officers he had been chased and shot by a male several hours before.

Neil was taken to hospital but no treatment could be given because of his state of intoxication.

The man accused of the shooting was able to prove he was in Glasgow at the time.

Neil later admitted to police that “what he had told them was completely untrue”, added the depute.

Defence solicitor Michael Lowrie said his client’s record of previous convictions was drug and alcohol related.

He went on: “The reason for the fake allegation is not clear to me and not clear to him either.”

Sheriff Neil Bowie jailed Neil for 200 days, commenting: “It’s unclear what your motivation was.”