An Alloa man, who initially avoided jail for attacking his partner, is now behind bars after a row with a neighbour ended in violence.

Anthony Kerr, 28, of Drysdale Street, appeared for sentencing at Alloa Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on November 5, at Drysdale Street, he shouted, swore, acted aggressively, repeatedly made threats of violence and repeatedly struck a door.

He also assaulted a man, grabbed him, chased him into the street, kicked him on the body, struck him on the body to his injury.

The victim was the nephew of Kerr’s neighbour.

Depute fiscal Sean Iles said at 11.20am the neighbour heard someone shouting through his letterbox.

Kerr was in the close shouting “I’ll batter you” and “I’ll kill you”, striking the door a number of times.

The man’s nephew arrived at the scene and was attacked by Kerr, who grabbed him, chased him out into the street then hit and kicked him.

Defence solicitor Charlotte Watt said there had been a background of neighbour friction over the man playing loud music.

Her client had been taking substances including street Valium as well as alcohol before the incident “creating a bit of a cocktail”.

“After he had gone to the door, his neighbour had stuck a knife out of the letterbox which angered him even more,” she added.

Sheriff Neil Bowie said: “He’s been given a lot of support in the past and has continued to offend.”

In August, Kerr had been put on a ‘tag’ for assaulting his partner, which he then breached.

He had admitted that on June 6, he attended at the woman’s home in Alloa uninvited, shouted, swore, acted aggressively, seized his former partner by the head, causing her to fall to the ground, placed his hands around her neck and compressed it, to her injury.

Kerr had gone to the woman’s home in the early hours of the morning. She saw him at her window and he then went inside, lunging at her. He grabbed her by the face causing her to fall to the ground. He then grabbed her by the throat before the woman broke free and ran from the house.

For the two incidents, Sheriff Bowie imposed jail terms totalling 294 days.