CLACKS residents are asked to provide their views on the performance report to tenants under the council’s housing stock.

The 2022-23 Performance Report to Tenants, part of the Scottish Housing Chart, is now available to read via Clackmannanshire Council’s website.

Residents are invited to share their opinions on the report, which will impact how the council works to improve the quality and value of services they provide.

The post reads: “As a landlord, we are responsible for meeting the standards and outcomes set out by the Scottish Housing Regular in the Scottish Social Housing Charter.

“The Charter sets out how to improve the quality and value of services we provide to tenants and other customers, this is why it is important we keep you informed on how we are performing.

“The report details how this year’s performance data compares against the Scottish local authority average and against our own results from the previous two reporting years, this shows where our performance has improved or where there are areas for improvement.”

The consultation can be found at