AN ONGOING initiative to tackle acquisitive crime across Forth Valley has been launched on Monday.

Project Shield, kickstarted by Police Scotland, will focus on preventing and investigating housebreaking and thefts across Clackmannanshire, Stirling and Falkirk.

Acquisitive crime is defined as an offence where the perpetrator derives material gain from the crime, including shoplifting, burglary, theft and robbery.

Throughout the two week scheme, officers from Forth Valley’s Priority Crime Team will be working with a range of partners and other agencies to prevent further incidents, while thoroughly investigating incidents which have previously occurred.

Detective inspector John Currie said: “Housebreaking is a particularly upsetting crime for the families involved.

“We are committed to working together to identify all of those responsible and bring them to justice as part of our ongoing commitment to tackling acquisitive crime.

“I would urge householders to ensure their homes and vehicles are as secure as possible against thieves.

“Take time to make sure all locks are working and any alarm systems or CCTV are set before leaving your home and remembers to remove or store any valuables out of sight.

“Support from members of the public greatly assists us with our investigations.

“Anyone with concerns or information about any incidents can call 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”