A 20-year-old Alloa man was found to have a kitchen knife in his possession after police were called to an incident at a hotel.

Kieran Anderson, of Ashley Terrace, appeared at Alloa Sheriff Court by video-link from prison.

He admitted that on December 31 at Inglewood House, Tullibody Road, Alloa, he was in possession of a kitchen knife.

He also shouted, swore, acted aggressively, made offensive remarks and threats of violence towards police officers. He was also in possession of cannabis.

He further admitted that on January 24, in a police vehicle, he shouted, swore, acted aggressively, made threats of violence and offensive comments towards police officers.

Depute fiscal Sean Iles said police had been called to Inglewood House at around 5am and found Anderson in an intoxicated state. When they searched him they found he had a knife in his pocket.

He said: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was in there.”

However, he then became abusive towards the officers and making threats about stabbing them.

Sheriff Neil Bowie continued the case until May 30 when Anderson has other matters calling in court.