A Tullibody care home organised a walk to mark Dementia Awareness Month.

Residents from The Orchard Care Home, along with staff, family and primary school children, went for a stroll on Wednesday, May 15.

Sandra Curl, wellbeing coordinator, commented: “We had perfect weather for the walk, residents, staff and family members all taking part from the Orchard. 

"We have been working closely with local schools and nurseries, building our intergenerational relationships, last year Abercromby Primary school took part with a number of children supporting us.

“This year we decided to go bigger with asking others. We had Clackmannanshire School Support Service, Banchory Primary School, Glenview Nursery, all supporting us with children and staff.

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“Abercromby pulled out all the stops this year and had the full school join us, which was amazing to see and certainly drew the attention we wanted for this amazing cause, Dementia UK."

Participants walked along Lynchgate Road and formed a trail around the park before returning to the home. Orchard are also running a Dementia Café once a month where everyone is invited to come along.

Alloa and Hillfoots Advertiser: Participants walked along Lynchgate Road and formed a trail around the park before returning to the home. Participants walked along Lynchgate Road and formed a trail around the park before returning to the home. (Image: Orchard Care Home)

Sandra added: “We know first hand the importance for those living at home with dementia of socialising for both the person supporting and the person living with dementia.

“People are living at home longer with dementia and it's important to support this in any way possible, it can be a daunting task to choose a care home for a loved one, if and when that decision has to be made, and the perception of care homes can be a little outdated now.

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“We at the Orchard work closely with C.A.C.H (Cultural Activities within Care Homes) and with their invaluable support we are able to provide lots of live entertainment, reminisce mornings, life story work and much more. 

"Person centred approach is vital. So it may be just a cup of tea and a blether, game of dominoes, or some singing, we really want to work alongside those who visit us to ensure we achieve what they would like from the cafe.”

Orchard will also be having time for a cuppa on Tuesday, May 21 from 2pm to 4pm supported by C.A.C.H. All donations made will go to Dementia UK.