A DOLLAR woman is gearing up to open up a dog park in Stirling, allowing people to bring their pets for an enclosed run around.

Shirley Macmillan already owns a doggy day care service in the city, but is now looking to expand her business by opening up the dog park.

A dog park allows owners to bring their pups and let them run around an enclosed space with other dogs, fully under the supervision of the owners.

Speaking to the Advertiser, Shirley said she had originally opened a dog park in the past but is looking forward to reopening the business.

She said: “I’ve got a dog day care in Stirling that I’ve had for 15 years and when I first opened, I also opened a dog park at the same.

“I’d already done it but I couldn’t keep it going at the time due to other priorities but now feels like the right time to get it going again.

“We named the park Broc’s Place in honour of one of the long term daycare dogs who passed away from cancer a few months ago.

“He helped so many puppies and dogs over the years to relax and enjoy daycare and felt it was a fitting tribute to him.”

The dog park will open on Saturday, June 1 and will originally be open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 5pm.

Shirley added that they will see how popular the park is before they start to consider expanding their hours.

The dog park can hold up to 10 dogs max, with slots available for a puppy only session so owners with younger dogs can still make full use of the services.

Owners interested in using the dog park can book online at dogparkstirling.co.uk, wherein they must tick to ensure their pet is fully vaccinated and suitable to socialising with other dogs.

“It’s been a long time coming,” Shirley explained. “I was going to open up before but Covid and personal health issues happened so I had to put it off.

“It’s opening now and I want somewhere where people can come down with their dogs and socialise with each other as well.

“I want to build a sense of community as well through the dog park.”