AN ALLOA man caused a disturbance and a smashed a hotel window after attending a funeral.

Aidan Delaney, 29, of St Mungo's Wynd, appeared in the dock at Alloa Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on October 24, at the Royal Oak Hotel, Bedford Place, Alloa, he shouted, swore, acted aggressively, made abusive remarks towards staff, kicked at and threw an advertising stand damaging it and punched a window causing it to break.

Defence solicitor Robert Smith said: "He'd been at a funeral and an excessive quantity of alcohol had been consumed.

"Things got out of hand later in the evening."

Sheriff Neil Bowie said: "This must have had an impact on others at a family funeral as well as the staff who had to deal with the incident.

"They had to get this fixed as well as eject you from the premises.

"It was an act of stupidity which caused injury to yourself when you smashed the window."

He imposed a community payback order with 80 hours of unpaid work and six months of supervision.