A CLACKS man, who was once a promising young footballer, has been sentenced for drug dealing in Alloa.

Aiden MacLeod, The Shielings, Cambus, appeared in the dock for Alloa Sheriff Court.

The 22-year-old admitted that on April 1, last year, at Ochil Street, Alloa, he was concerned in the supply of ecstasy and ketamine.

Defence solicitor Robert Smith told the court: "He was going through a difficult time.

"He got into bad company which led to him going down the path of taking drugs then buying drugs."

He added that it was mainly friends he was supplying these drugs to and "it wasn't done on a commercial basis".

The solicitor said MacLeod had been a promising footballer and "on the cusp of being a professional" at one stage.

Sheriff Neil Bowie added: "I'm told you have a sporting background and would have thought you would be aware of the negative impact of drugs."

He imposed a community payback order with 300 hours of unpaid work and a restriction of liberty order on Friday and Saturday for six months.

The 'tag' was restricted to weekends because of MacLeod's work commitments which can involve travelling.