A COALSNAUGHTON man claimed his ban was up when he was caught driving while disqualified in Alloa.

James Dewar, 36, was driving carelessly and speeding when he was already banned from the roads.

He almost collided with another vehicle and his reckless driving caused smoke to belch from his screeching tyres at a roundabout.

Dewar, of Blackfaulds Street, Coalsnaughton, appeared at Alloa Sheriff Court for sentencing.

He admitted committing the offences on December 29 on various roads in Alloa.

Dewar drove while disqualified and without insurance.

He drove carelessly, over-revved his engine, rolled the car back almost colliding with a vehicle behind him, drove at excessive speeds causing the tyres to screech and smoke was coming from them as he negotiated a roundabout.

He was also driving an unlicensed vehicle.

When stopped, Dewar told police: “My ban is up.”

He later claimed he did not know he had to re-sit and pass his test before he could drive again.

READ MORE: Alloa man caught driving carelessly and speeding while banned

However, Sheriff Neil Bowie said Dewar should have known because he had to re-sit the test previously.

He also noted that “the author of the social work says you knew full well you were still banned but decided to take a chance”.

The sheriff imposed a six-month restriction of liberty order and a two-year driving ban.

In 2016, Dewar was banned for six years and until he passes another driving test.

Sheriff Bowie warned him that even when the new ban is up, he will still have to pass his test again.