A FANTASTIC turn out was in order for the annual Alva Fun Day, held in the shining sun last Saturday.

Cochrane Park was full of passing families and kids who enjoyed playing on the slides and inflatables set up by the Community Council.

A particularly popular attraction this year was the kick darts football – which featured a huge inflatable darts board.

Kids lined up to kick a football towards the board, with lucky David Harrower winning a prize football after scoring an incredible 172 points.

Bryan Denny, vice chairman for the Alva Community Council, was thrilled at the turnout and feedback for the Fun Day.

“The day went very well,” he told the Advertiser. “It was very hot, lovely day and the place was really busy.

“This was good we had so many people despite other events taking place elsewhere. It was fantastic that we still had a fantastic crowd despite this.

“The weather really helped the day, everyone seemed to really enjoy it especially the wee boy who won the football on the kick darts.

“The kids all loved the inflatables and slides that we had set up so overall was a great day for everyone.”