A WOMAN from Alloa called the fire service after starting a blaze in her own home.

Claire Hutchison, 40, has now been sentenced to a “tag”, restricting her to the same property every night.

The sheriff conceded that some may see that as a “bizarre” sentence.

Hutchison, of Scott Crescent, appeared in the dock at Alloa Sheriff Court.

She admitted that on February 5 at her home, she wilfully set fire to a pile of clothing in the kitchen whereby the fire took hold.

The court was told that at 2.20am the fire service was called by Hutchison.

They attended her home, found her inside and tackled the blaze. Hutchison had said: “I don’t want to live any more”.

She was taken to hospital and on the way there, admitted she had started the fire in her kitchen.

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The court was told there were neighbouring properties occupied by families and young children but fortunately the fire did not spread there.

Defence solicitor Charlotte Watt said her client had “a significant background of trauma” in her life.

“She is deeply remorseful and very distressed to be here today,” she added.

Sheriff Garry Sutherland told Hutchison: “Clearly you were going through a very difficult time. You are lucky people weren’t injured.”

He imposed a four-month restriction of liberty order, adding: “This may seem bizarre to some people given the seriousness of the offence, but I feel it is appropriate.”