DAWN is breaking and the soft glow of morning gains in intensity as I make my way along this little woodland track by Fishcross.

A young rabbit scurries ahead of me, its white tail catching the emerging light, before the animal suddenly freezes, hoping I hadn't spotted it.

At one time, I would have taken a rabbit sighting for granted, but nowadays they are not so common due to the devastating impacts of myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic disease

So, I take the time to focus my binoculars upon it; dewy eyes glistening, and long ears folded back. It stares back at me before quickly realising it has been rumbled and flees down a burrow by the bankside for safety.

I suspect the healthy population of buzzards in the Wee County means that even rabbit populations that are disease free find it difficult to increase in size.

I continue down the track and a distant chirruping gains in intensity as a family party of long-tailed tits bound towards me.

They are such frenetic little birds, always on the move in their quest for insects and other tiny creatures to feast upon.

They have been likened to flying lollipops and it is hard to think of a better description.

There are also numerous young willow warblers about, their soft 'hoooee' calls drifting in the dawn air.

They won't be here for much longer, and over the next few weeks will gradually slip away as they embark upon their long migration to wintering grounds in the Africa.

Indeed, we are on the cusp of change, the turning of the seasons when the air becomes fresher and autumn migrants replace our summer visitors.

But there are still a few weeks to go yet and nature continues to fatten itself upon the rich summer bounty, making hay while the sun still shines.
